filip hodas pop culture dystopia 01

Pop Culture Dystopia

In this ongoing Instagram series Filip Hodas is exploring dystopian world of pop-culture icons. The main goal of this series is to learn how to use Substance Painter and how to implement it in the texturing workflow. All of the textures are made procedurally in Substance Designer with little details from Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

Tools used: Cinema 4D, Octane Render, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, World Machine and Adobe Photoshop.

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Been binging Rick & Morty eversince season 3 started coming out, so I decided to get bit schwifty with this pic. It’s nowhere near the level I wanted it to be, but I’m so bored of reworking it over and over that I just decided to post it and move on. Hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless! #schwifty #saucer #cinema #c4d #cinema4d #render #octanerender #photoshop #daily #3d #graphics #graphic #design #abstract #art #surrealism #scifi #dystopian #rickandmorty #sunset #retro #realistic #forest #cliff #tv #cartoon

Une publication partagée par Filip Hodas (@hoodass) le


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